Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday August 28

10 miles.

Took me 8 miles just to shake off the rust. I guess the 800 miles of frantic driving the past two days was not a good way to prepare for more running. My back was very tight.

Very hot, windy, and sunny. My Droid is caked with dried sweat and dust from the roads.

Got my race packet for Bohemian Alps today! That's exciting.

I also registered for the Des Moines Marathon in October. That's a BQ race, Jen!

Black Crowes tonight, and 20 miles in the morning. Or not.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


29 miles.

That puts me over 100 for the past 7 days. This should please The Jen. Or not.

Started late and wound up running under the full moon. That was cool. Got to see strands of fog rolling in, too.

Ran in a somewhat unfamiliar area and wound up on a road where I needed a machete to get through the vegetation. I didn't have a machete.

Attacked by a pack of angry cockatoos at mile 20. They were hungry but I grabbed a handful of feathers from one, which sent the rest of the bloodthirsty suckers scattering.

I wore my little Lunar Trek reflective vest! That was nice. Having a headlamp so I could see would've been better. Note to self: reflective vest and moonlight do not team up to make a flashlight.

The gas station in Ceresco is making a fortune off of me. And the old lady behind the counter looks at me suspiciously every time I'm there. I'm going to photocopy some ones for the next time I buy a Snickers and see if she notices.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday August 22

25 miles. Loop loosely around Ceresco and Valpo.

Thought I would beat the heat by starting early but I was wrong. Got too much sun. Trailed by a really dumb farm dog and had to babysit it for two hours. Stupid.

Ready for fall.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thurs. August 19

12 miles to Eagle on 202nd.

Flipping hot. Glad there was a breeze.

Came across a Saturn flipped in the ditch on my way back.

Apparently this happened earlier in the morning as a 17-year-old kid was on his way to school... in Waverly?

I spoke with his dad, who was waiting for a a tow truck. The kid is okay.

Looked scary. Every window broken out of the car.

Molly is never allowed to get a driver's license.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday August 27

28.5 miles.

Up in the hills north and west of Raymond. Awesome cool day in spite of the humidity. No deer flies!

Other stuff:

- Saw a shrew hopping, not running, across the road.
- Startled a whitetail and it ran into a fence, flipped over on its back, and writhed around before taking off again. I felt horrible.
- Covey of quail. Hardly ever see those around here.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Aug. 16

12 miles, stairstep to Ceresco. Flat section in the middle.

Nice cool morning, NO DEER FLIES.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday August 12

8 miles on Bluff.

I had a Clif bar just before I ran but still wound up super hungry before the end. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wed. Aug 11

12 miles. 202nd to Eagle. Fun run with little traffic. Crashed from hunger at mile 9. Need to stock energy bars at Reb's house.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday August 9

8 miles.

I had forgotten how steep the hills on Mill Road can be closer to Branched Oak.

Deer flies suck.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday August 8

5 miles.

Sweltering already at 8:30 this morning. Spare ribs and beer are not the best running fuel.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday August 7

16 miles.

Mostly on 202nd street to Eagle. Easy hills. Cloudy early, sunny and hot at the end.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday, August 6

8 miles, just low hills.

100% humidity, deer flies, road construction everywhere on gravel roads by Waverly...blah.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Training Plan for a 100-mile Race

My training outline for the Pinhoti 100 mile race in Alabama, November 6-7. Goal is to complete the race in less than 30 hours so I get a nifty belt buckle!

Total training weeks: 13
Total planned training miles: 781

Peak week, September 19 - 25: 74 miles

This blog will be updated after each training run, probably with just very boring numbers and my whining about how it's too hot outside.