Super hot, super humid, super windy.
Not a fun day to run. I should be getting up earlier.
Note to the country yokels who think they own the gravel roads : YOU DON'T OWN THE ROAD. Your driveway is your property. The county road...not so much.
Last time I checked, taxes go towards county road maintenance. I pay city, county, and state taxes, and I have as much right to run on the road as you have to drive on it.
If Lincolnites adopted the same attitude as some (luckily, a minority) of these people, every time I saw a dusty pickup driving on paved city roads, we'd flip the drivers the finger, swerve at them, and back up and gesture menacingly every time we saw them.
This problem was even worse during Bohemian Alps. It's like the locals are angry that other people are out on "their" roads.
I take extra care to stay out of the way of traffic. I get off of the road when I see cars coming. You'd think that drivers would appreciate my efforts, but a good 20% of them take the presence of another human being on "their" roads as some sort of affront.
Grow up. Really.
Heat makes me pissed off, too.
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