Sunday, November 14, 2010

2010 Pinhoti 100 Race Report

101.59 miles
29 hours and 28 minutes

I beat the block by 32 minutes.

And here's my 2010 Pinhoti 100-mile endurance run report.

Before the race, I envisioned a couple of potential outcomes. One, the course would be a bit easier than I anticipated and I'd finish with plenty of time to spare. Or two, I'd find myself way in over my head and be beaten halfway into the race.

I never once imagined being stuck in a 29 hour race with the clock.

The big questions going into Pinhoti were:

- were my frequent long, slow runs on Lincoln, Nebraska area hills enough to prepare me for the course?
- how hard would the course be, really? And what sort of terrain and surfaces would I be dealing with for most of the race?
- if I managed to finish, how would my body feel afterwards?

One of my frustrations before Pinhoti was the lack of details regarding the course and how challenging it would be for someone in my physical condition. So, here are some things I wish I'd fully understood before flying to Alabama.

First, there is roughly 16,000 feet worth of elevation gain on this course. No, altitude isn't a problem -- but 16,000 feet is 16,000 feet. There are a lot of up and down sections, and usually there are enough downs to give you a break from the climbs. But Mt. Cheaha is a significant challenge roughly 40 miles into the race, and the 900 feet of climb and switchbacks at Pinnacle are even harder.

Second, the footing varies. The dirt trail is generally fairly smooth, but the fall leaves do hide innumerable rocks, roots, and holes that can twist ankles. I noticed that the trails at the bottoms of hills were strewn with far more trip-worthy roots; the trails near the tops of mountains were far rockier, with loose stones and slippery boulders everywhere.

As for my and my race strategy, here's a little perspective:

- I am NOT a trail runner. I do 95 percent of my running on hilly gravel roads.
- My training consisted of two and a half months of between 50 and 100 miles (weekly). I am a lazy runner. I simply ran a long ways at a pretty slow clip (9 minute miles) during training. I didn't cross train. I didn't lift weights. I don't stretch. I am, as I said, lazy.
- I was in marathon-ready physical condition before starting my training for Pinhoti.
- My strategy for Pinhoti was to start very, very slowly at the back of the pack, and slowly accelerate as I got a better feel for the course. The idea was to conserve as much energy as possible and figure out just how fast I could take things -- keep in mind that before this race, the farthest I'd run was 50 miles (the Heartland 50 in Kansas). Heartland has some hilly sections but they do not approach the kind of difficulty I found at Pinhoti.


I slept maybe 7 hours total the two nights before the race. Between having to fly to Alabama on a short timeline and feeling generally anxious about not knowing exactly what I was getting myself into, sleep just wasn't happening.

When my alarm clock finally rang, I was a cranky, groggy mess. And I was more than a little freaked out.

The weather was close to perfect. We started with temps in the mid 20's and the high for the day was around 50, and there was a bit of a stiff breeze. No worries about overheating or running short on water.

The race starts in a campground parking lot and after about 200 yards hits the singletrack, so there's a significant bottleneck. I walked to this portion and waited for everyone to go ahead of me. I was literally the very last runner.

We moved through the darkness and immediately felt some of the hilly, rocky stuff we'd face for the entire race. As the sun began to rise, we could see the fall colors all around us -- reds and yellows and greens everywhere. Some parts really do look like pages ripped from a fairytale.

By the time we reached the first aid station, we'd traipsed across multiple hilly sections, and it was already becoming obvious that some folks at the back weren't prepared for the course. Six or seven miles in my calves were already balking a bit -- the low undulations on my training routes hadn't prepared me for the continuous up and down assault.

I also realized that simply following the trail wasn't super easy. Fall leaves obscured much of the track, and sometimes the flags and other markers weren't that easy to see. Between trying to spot the trail and keep on eye out for rocks and tree roots, you have your work cut out for you. I got smart early on and fell in behind other runners and their pacers, letting them find the path while I watching my footwork. When darkness set in, this tactic proved to be invaluable.

My first goal was simply to get past Mt. Cheaha and Blue Hell (about 40 miles in) before sundown. I managed to do this with time to spare. The aid stations were generally great, with super helpful volunteers. One aid station (7, I believe) was totally out of water when we arrived. That was not only a huge bummer, but had it been a hot day, it would've been the end of the race for many people. We managed to make it through the next section without a drink, but I can't say I enjoyed it.

I fell in behind an agreeable runner (Greg) and his pacer (Leah), and we spent most of the rather frigid night together. I would not have wanted to run alone in the cold and dark. Considering some of the dropoffs on the sides of trails and the fact that the trails were hard to see, it would've been very easy to get lost or fall and get hurt without anyone to find you right away. I did not have my phone but cell phone service in this area is spotty and at times nonexistent.

Hitting the halfway point (mile 55) in the darkness was pretty surreal. Bright lights, tons of food, loud music, lots of people partying. Slipping back into the darkness and coldness of the woods after that was equally surreal.

At about mile 70 we were slowly beginning to tire. And at every aid station, they reported that we were losing time and getting closer to the cutoff pace, at which the race organizers pull you from the course.

We weren't messing around during any of this. Our longest aid station tops were 3 or 4 minutes -- just long enough to slurp some hot soup, refill water bottles, and take off.

Yet at about mile 74, were were pressing. Greg was weaving on the path, stumbling and getting visibly exhausted. We still had not reached the aid station at the top of Pinnacle. My vision was getting blurry and my left calf was beginning what would turn out to be a total revolt.

At the Pinnacle aid station we were told we were just a few minutes ahead of the cutoff. We pushed onward. But shortly afterward, Greg said he thought we'd fallen too far behind the clock and that we'd never make it. He looked really, really tired.

I too, was very, very tired. So tired, in fact, that part of me would be relieved when the volunteers at the next aid station told us we had to stop. I'd sit by the fire, drink hot soup, and wait for a ride back to my crew. I was too tired to comprehend any concept of disappointment.

About 10 minutes later, we saw headlamps catching up to us. Turned out it was Joel and his pacer, Robert. Robert was fresh and bubbling with energy and said that we were quickly approaching a much easier -- and faster -- section of the course. He said we could make up time there and still beat the cutoff.

I went on with Joel and Robert. Unfortunately, Joel's blisters began to get the better of him and he slowed.

By this time the sun was coming up, and the sense of urgency was palpable. Without a consistent clip now, we'd miss the cutoff. I pushed ahead without Joel.

As I wound down the mountain to the aid station at mile 85, the sun was fully shining and my pace was quickening. I had a good feeling about the way things were going.

My crew was happy to see me, as they'd thought maybe my race had already ended. They loaded me up and pushed me on my way.

The Jeep roads were a huge relief to me after 20-some hours of trails. I could focus just on running and less on watching my feet. And as Robert had promised, this stretch was quite a bit easier in terms of hills, although there were still plenty of uphill sections.

I began building a bit of a time cushion. At about mile 90, I ripped off my sweatpants and 10 minutes later totally regretted it -- the 25 degree air chilled my muscles immediately and my left calf began to lock up on me. Later, I would see just how close this ill-timed decision came to ending my race.

But I had enough momentum. I pushed through and finished with only 32 minutes to spare. The guys I'd had the privilege of running with all night showed up about 10 minutes later, and it was a great feeling to see they'd made it. Todd, the race director, and his wife were both there to congratulate all of us.

15 minutes later, after sitting down for the first time in nearly 30 hours, I could hardly walk. A week later, my left is still sore and today was honestly my first good day of nearly limp-free walking. My left foot is still somewhat numb and the swelling is not completely gone.

In short, I wasn't totally prepared for Pinhoti. My gravel road training did prepare my feet and ankles for the rough ground -- I didn't get a single blister and my legs didn't suffer any aches due to twisting and jarring.

But I was not prepared for the endless climbs and long descents. Were I to offer one bit of wisdom to anyone training for this race, it would be this -- train long and hard for steep hills. This is an arduous course and the ups and downs will eat flatlanders alive if they haven't found some hills to train on.

The other critical tip? Find a pacer to accompany you through the night. I was extremely fortunate that I found Greg, who was super friendly and a stubborn runner, too. Without Greg and Leah I suspect this race might have ended in a bad way for me.

This was a great experience and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect. I met some very, very nice people, saw some beautiful scenery, and got everything I could handle (and more) from the course. Highly recommended.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, Nov. 1

12 Miles.
14 miles on Saturday.

Both gorgeous fall days. The leaves are still very colorful in spite of the 50MPH winds last week. On Monday the air was surprisingly crisp.

That wraps up my training for this race.

My target mileage was 780 miles. From my (really scattered) training notes, I logged 650 miles. I know I'm missing a few runs in there because I'm sure I went over 700 miles.

Now there are only questions. The answers are coming this weekend.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday. Oct. 25

8 miles.

Pinhoti is now 11 days away. I put together our trip itinerary today and reviewed some race reports, which sent me into a mild panic.

I have been frustrated at the lack of information about the terrain involved in this race. There are general overviews, but nothing comparative that really tells me what I'm getting into.

This is the first race I'm going into basically blind, without any real witness reports from people I know. That freaks me out a bit. But I know there's point in worrying.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, Oct. 22

12 miles Wed.
20 miles today.

Including the marathon, I'm well over 60 miles this week.

My taper officially starts now. I probably will do only 35 or 40 next week, and then I'm taking off the entire week of Pinhoti.

In exactly two weeks we will be in Alabama.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, Oct. 17

26.2 miles.

The Des Moines marathon was held in perfect fall weather. A nice chill at the start followed by a gentle warming sun and no real wind.

I ran slowly with my friend who was doing the half for a little over 2 miles before the course split.

From there, I picked up the pace slowly until I was running full speed for good stretches, trying to catch up to faster groups.

I was surprised by the steady uphill climb that I ran into on this course. But once it flattened on top, it was easy going and the course went through some gorgeous stretches, all highlighted by the turning leaves.

I was treated to a glimpse of the eventual Kenyan winners. All I can say It was like watching deer sprint through the streets. They are that fast. The winner finished in 2:14.

In hindsight I'm curious as to how I would've fared if I'd run hard from start to finish, but I have no regrets. This was the first opportunity I've had to run with a friend and it was a real treat.

Two big surprises on the day -- one, there is no food whatsoever during this marathon. That was a huge disappointment and I would've crashed hard without my crew. Two, I felt like I could run much farther without any problems. I am finally getting into real shape.

That's a good thing, I suppose.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wed. October. 13

8 Miles.

Nice autumn day for a short run. Any longer and I would've been hot. My legs were pretty springy considering the 26 miles of hills yesterday.

I am taking a break now until the Des Moines marathon on Sunday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, October 12

26 miles.

I do not like Rottweilers. Not even those that give big bear hugs and whine because they are so lonely and need attention.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thurs. Oct. 7

12 Miles.

Started an hour before sunrise. Very crisp morning.

Everything was great until the halfway mark.

Never eat at the African Restaurant in Lincoln. Never, ever, ever.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday Oct. 4

Friday: 8 Miles
Monday: 28 Miles
Today: 16 Miles

My new headlamp has a strobe setting. Tonight I used that setting while listening to techno. Weird and disorienting. And fun.

The cows think I'm crazy.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 30

22 miles.

I ache. And my sinus infection is back.

It's funny how I know all of the dogs in the county now. But I forgot about one black lab -- two miles in, he accosted me and made it clear he wanted to run a few miles, but I didn't want the anxiety tonight. It took me 10 full minutes to convince him to stay home.

New headlamp -- the Petzl Tikka 2. WAY, WAY brighter than my puny Energizer. Like wielding a light saber from my forehead instead of a candle. I can see at least 100 yards with the thing. Very good investment.

When trucks drive by you on a gravel road and you're wearing a's sort of like those undersea science TV shows where submersible cameras dive with artificial light, with all the bubbles and plankton and what not obscuring a lot of the view.

Same deal with dust, and probably just as hard to breathe. Surreal.

Also surreal. Seeing spider eyes everywhere. They look like glowing jewels on the road and in the grasses.

15 miles in I ran by another lab's home. She is the dumbest dog ever and insists and running with me no matter how far I go. Had to throw her in the car and take her home at the end. Then she stood in front of the car and wouldn't let me drive away.

I'm tired.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday September 27

Monday: 12 Miles
Tuesday: 21 Miles

Monday was okay.

Today could have been better. I should know by now not to OD on caffeine before I run. The first 10 went pretty well, but with the dry air and direct, bright sun I got dehydrated early.

At mile 13 on the way back, my water was gone and I was very thirsty and a little overheated. I worked my way past an unfriendly farm dog to refill with water and drank it all way too fast. Stomach cramps, sloshing, ugh. Sinuses totally plugged up for some reason.

All around pretty ugly.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, Sept. 23

20 miles.

Very overcast, 30MPH gusts. 77 degrees.

Hit the hills by Valpo. Legs were fresher than I'd hoped. That all ended by mile 13. The last 7 were pretty long.

Had fun running straight south into the wind and rain. Felt like hail.

I got chased by an invisible creature with split hooves, dragging a tail.

Powerade is too sweet.

I like air conditioning.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wed. September 22

12 miles.

Super hot, super humid, super windy.

Not a fun day to run. I should be getting up earlier.

Note to the country yokels who think they own the gravel roads : YOU DON'T OWN THE ROAD. Your driveway is your property. The county road...not so much.

Last time I checked, taxes go towards county road maintenance. I pay city, county, and state taxes, and I have as much right to run on the road as you have to drive on it.

If Lincolnites adopted the same attitude as some (luckily, a minority) of these people, every time I saw a dusty pickup driving on paved city roads, we'd flip the drivers the finger, swerve at them, and back up and gesture menacingly every time we saw them.

This problem was even worse during Bohemian Alps. It's like the locals are angry that other people are out on "their" roads.

I take extra care to stay out of the way of traffic. I get off of the road when I see cars coming. You'd think that drivers would appreciate my efforts, but a good 20% of them take the presence of another human being on "their" roads as some sort of affront.

Grow up. Really.

Heat makes me pissed off, too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday September 20

16 miles.

80 degrees with 90% humidity. No thanks.

Swarmed by flies and mosquitoes. Is this July?

I am no biologist, but I swear I had a bizarre mosquito about an inch long trying to bite me. That can't be possible in Nebraska, can it?

I am a little tired mentally at this point. I have other things I need to be doing.

But there are less than 5 weeks of training left so I will just keep staggering along.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20

Saturday: 32 miles
Sunday: 17 miles

Saturday was race day at the Bohemian Alps up by Brainard. The whole day was a pretty awesome experience.

The race starts right outside the race director's (Dale's) house. There were maybe 25 people there. I spotted the eventual winner immediately -- an intense guy wearing a Grateful Dead shirt. He jetted from the start and won by at least 10 minutes (4:10, I think). He was obviously sizing up his competition before the start and when he made eye contact with me I gave him the "please don't hurt me" look. I was groggy and not even thinking about "racing."

I ran a 5:23, and honestly I ran harder than I wanted to, as this was supposed to be a relaxed training run. But the course was so varied and so fun, and the weather was so cool that I couldn't resist picking up the pace for a few stretches. In spite of the chill I got really hot, and I wound up as the only runner not wearing a shirt. I got laughed at a lot for that. I also got burned in spite of the heavy cloud cover.

The course was the best I've run. In my (very limited) experience, it was a cross between a harder version of the Heartland 50 miler and a slightly easier version of the Rockin' K marathon. The road was almost always up and down, never level -- through the whole race there were maybe six miles of flats. Everything else was either hills or offroad on a horse trail paralleling the limestone bike path. The trail portions weren't as steep as Rockin' K, with mild technical portions.

Water was in pretty good supply along the route but I found myself wishing more of the jugs had contained Gatorade, and there weren't as many snacks as I expected. Fortunately, Rebecca was there with everything I needed.

All in all, this is (surprisingly) the most fun I've had at a race. And it's 30 minutes from home! That's so cool.

Along the way, we ran through Loma, which isn't on the map. Fairly bizarre place plunked off of the highway, and it has a saloon -- the Bar-M Corral. I thought I had already frequented every local establishment just north of Branched Oak, but I had no idea this place even existed. The town (maybe 30 people?) certainly can't support a local business so they must draw locals from Brainard.

The whole place was suspiciously, eerily atmospheric and I had to do some research to put all of the pieces together. I've been to a lot of small towns but they never exude this much character in the span of two blocks.

After some googling, I found that the Patrick Swazye/Wesley Snipes flick "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar" was filmed in Loma in 1995. Bits of the set still remain, which add to the weird visual juxtaposition of stumbling upon an unmapped town in nowhere, Nebraska.

Weirdness rules.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14

10 miles on Sunday. 12 today.

I drank a Red Bull on my way to my starting point. Two miles in, my head was spinning, my heart was racing, and in the heat and humidity I could hardly walk. Running wasn't even an option.

It took 10 minutes in the shade before I could stumble onward.

How I ever survived Lunar Trek (32 miles) in 80% humidity, while metabolizing not one, but FIVE Red Bulls, is beyond me. No wonder I almost broke down tears.

Neil still sucks.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week of September 5 to 11

62 miles.

Battled my sinuses, coughing and sneezing all week long. Doctor suspects that I am developing allergies to autumn crap, which subsequently turned into a sinus infection.

I find very little joy in running while I'm sick. Add 90 degree temperatures. Not a fun combination.

But Race #1 of the Fall Series is this upcoming Saturday!

Jen is a wussy and won't run with me even though she copped out of the Omaha Marathon. That's a Neil Diamond fan for you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Boston and crap

I've only managed 26 miles in the past 8 or 9 days.

I did get in 20 in Boston, which was fun. It was hard running not knowing where I was going most of the time and I got tired of messing with maps. I did get to run through Harvard and then also down to a fort on Boston Harbor.

I missed the chance to run out in Scottsbluff while we were there. That made me sad because I always like running through the stench of a nice slaughterhouse.

But really, the past 10 days on warp drive have caught up with me. I'm hacking up green stuff and generally just not well. Hopefully I will get out tomorrow at some point.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday August 28

10 miles.

Took me 8 miles just to shake off the rust. I guess the 800 miles of frantic driving the past two days was not a good way to prepare for more running. My back was very tight.

Very hot, windy, and sunny. My Droid is caked with dried sweat and dust from the roads.

Got my race packet for Bohemian Alps today! That's exciting.

I also registered for the Des Moines Marathon in October. That's a BQ race, Jen!

Black Crowes tonight, and 20 miles in the morning. Or not.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


29 miles.

That puts me over 100 for the past 7 days. This should please The Jen. Or not.

Started late and wound up running under the full moon. That was cool. Got to see strands of fog rolling in, too.

Ran in a somewhat unfamiliar area and wound up on a road where I needed a machete to get through the vegetation. I didn't have a machete.

Attacked by a pack of angry cockatoos at mile 20. They were hungry but I grabbed a handful of feathers from one, which sent the rest of the bloodthirsty suckers scattering.

I wore my little Lunar Trek reflective vest! That was nice. Having a headlamp so I could see would've been better. Note to self: reflective vest and moonlight do not team up to make a flashlight.

The gas station in Ceresco is making a fortune off of me. And the old lady behind the counter looks at me suspiciously every time I'm there. I'm going to photocopy some ones for the next time I buy a Snickers and see if she notices.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday August 22

25 miles. Loop loosely around Ceresco and Valpo.

Thought I would beat the heat by starting early but I was wrong. Got too much sun. Trailed by a really dumb farm dog and had to babysit it for two hours. Stupid.

Ready for fall.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thurs. August 19

12 miles to Eagle on 202nd.

Flipping hot. Glad there was a breeze.

Came across a Saturn flipped in the ditch on my way back.

Apparently this happened earlier in the morning as a 17-year-old kid was on his way to school... in Waverly?

I spoke with his dad, who was waiting for a a tow truck. The kid is okay.

Looked scary. Every window broken out of the car.

Molly is never allowed to get a driver's license.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday August 27

28.5 miles.

Up in the hills north and west of Raymond. Awesome cool day in spite of the humidity. No deer flies!

Other stuff:

- Saw a shrew hopping, not running, across the road.
- Startled a whitetail and it ran into a fence, flipped over on its back, and writhed around before taking off again. I felt horrible.
- Covey of quail. Hardly ever see those around here.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Aug. 16

12 miles, stairstep to Ceresco. Flat section in the middle.

Nice cool morning, NO DEER FLIES.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday August 12

8 miles on Bluff.

I had a Clif bar just before I ran but still wound up super hungry before the end. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wed. Aug 11

12 miles. 202nd to Eagle. Fun run with little traffic. Crashed from hunger at mile 9. Need to stock energy bars at Reb's house.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday August 9

8 miles.

I had forgotten how steep the hills on Mill Road can be closer to Branched Oak.

Deer flies suck.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday August 8

5 miles.

Sweltering already at 8:30 this morning. Spare ribs and beer are not the best running fuel.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday August 7

16 miles.

Mostly on 202nd street to Eagle. Easy hills. Cloudy early, sunny and hot at the end.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday, August 6

8 miles, just low hills.

100% humidity, deer flies, road construction everywhere on gravel roads by Waverly...blah.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Training Plan for a 100-mile Race

My training outline for the Pinhoti 100 mile race in Alabama, November 6-7. Goal is to complete the race in less than 30 hours so I get a nifty belt buckle!

Total training weeks: 13
Total planned training miles: 781

Peak week, September 19 - 25: 74 miles

This blog will be updated after each training run, probably with just very boring numbers and my whining about how it's too hot outside.